Cancellation of your RAC Breakdown
Your right to cancel
You can cancel your RAC Breakdown Cover within the
cooling off period, being 14 days from the later of:
1. the start date; or
2. the date you receive your RAC Breakdown Cover
If you do this, we will cancel the RAC Breakdown
Cover with immediate effect from the day you request
it and we will refund your premium in full unless a
claim has been made within this cooling off period. If
you downgrade your RAC Breakdown Cover after this
cooling off period we will not refund premium to you;
At any time after the 14 day cooling off period referred
to above, you may cancel this RAC Breakdown Cover.
Cancellations must be made by contacting ourselves.
RAC Breakdown Cover will be cancelled with
immediate effect. You will receive a pro-rata refund of
premium if no claims have been made. If any claims
have been made then no refund of premium will be