What is Covered?
Emergency repairs following damage or failure of the following items which would render the main living areas of the home insecure and easily accessible to intruders.
a) External lock.
b) External door.
c) External window.
What is Excluded?1. Internal locks, window locks, doors, glass, external garages or outbuildings;
2. Any damage caused by the contractor in gaining access to the home;
3. Doors subject to swelling;
4. Porch doors where there is another lockable door which prevents access to the main living areas of the home.
Access to Home
What is Covered?Emergency repairs following the loss of the only available key to the home which cannot be replaced, and normal access cannot be obtained. Our contractor will gain access to the home and ensure it is left secure.
What is Excluded?
Any damage caused by the contractor in gaining access to the home.